Our Guild President, Cindy Peterson, has issued a challenge. Corinne Goeke is coordinating the challenge. Get ready to succumb to….
wanderlust /wŏn′dər-lŭst″/ noun – A very strong desire to travel.
Cindy is issuing a quilt challenge to all members of the quilting community in Southern New Mexico and El Paso, Texas. The theme of this
challenge, Wanderlust, presents the exciting possibility for a wide variety of interpretations of travel, not just around our home here in the Southwest, but anywhere in the world (or out of this world).
In the spirit of expanding our traveling horizons, we are inviting other guilds to participate in this challenge. Further information on this will be provided. We hope to include presidents of the guilds who choose to participate to help judge the Challenge.
Participants will have until February 1, 2025 to complete their quilts. Completion of the quilts and judging will coincide with the completion of the Las Colcheras Quilt Guild President’s term of office in February, 2025. The winners will be announced at the LCQG General Meeting on February 17, 2025. The completed quilts will be displayed at the venues (TBA) in the Guilds’ respective communities.
There is a fee of $10 for members of the participating Guilds. The fee is $15 for non-members. This fee covers entry into the challenge and a fat quarter of Moda’s Desert Oasis fabric. There will be no refunds should you decide not to enter.
This featured fabric must be incorporated into the quilt and any number of additional fabrics may be used.
All quilts will be exhibited, and the top quilts will be awarded rosettes and cash awards for First ($100), Second ($75), Third ($50). Special rosettes will be awarded to the best quilt from each participating guild.
Kits will be available at the Guild General Meetings (preferred) or reach out to Corinne Goeke at LCQuiltGuildNews@gmail.com.